Today during my lunch hour I wanted to buy a new fragrance so I marched myself to the fragrance counter at the local dept store. I've always enjoyed smelling good, to the point of it being an addiction. As I browsed through the choices, I ran across some old favorites and a couple new possibilities. I ended up getting more than expected... but isnt that always the case.
Every cologne, regardless of how good it smells when its sprayed on one of those little scent cards, changes its true scent when applied to the skin. A persons natural body heat and scent effects how the combonation will come off from you. For me, clean, airy, fresh scents blend well with my chemistry and give off an intoxicating aroma that draws the wanted and sometimes unwanted comments like "what are you wearing", " that smells good"..." I love your cologne".

When applied to the right places, in the right amount giving a subtle hint of "smelling good" is always a winner. In the past Ive worn, Izzy, Happy, D&G, Armani, Unforgiveable, Calvin, so on and so forth... I have developed a few favorites. Check out these fragrances... the new Diesel smells great... Prada is awesome... Happy is a classic... so thats what I'll be wearing for a while.
What about you, What are you wearing???
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