Tonight, I was so anxious to watch this Lifetime movie.. (yes Lifetime dammit) called Prayers for Bobby... If anyone knows me.. from the title alone the puzzle will be easily pieced together...
So as the story goes this young man, came into his sexuality raised in a devote religious home, he was preached to repeatedly that the essence of who he was, was actually a sin. He battled with trying to conform to the expectations of his family and friends but it just never seemed to feel "right". He confessed that he thought something was wrong with him but the more he spoke the words into existence the more he strayed to the real calling of his heart.. Eventually after moving away and finding the type of love he was comfortable with.. Bobby returned home, he came out about his relationship and it was not welcomed...Soon after, Bobby jumped off a freeway bridge.. and it was then.. that his presence was most missed.. Whew!...
I have said it a thousand times over, people don’t truly appreciate someone until they are dead and gone. One only learns the meaning of real love, when it is taken away.. and the value of a person is not defined by their sexuality... but rather it is measured by their character.. These are simple words that are so difficult for the world to accept...but maybe one day.. unconditional love... agape love will be understood!
The thing that amazed me the most about this
movie is how so many of it's pivotal points subtly struck home with me.. (catch it) . There was one moment in the movie when Bobby was planning to take a bottle of pills but couldn’t go through with it because he was taught suicide was a sin. Also, he didn’t want to compile that sin with the sin of his sexuality. Hunnnnnnnnnnney... I felt like I was starring in The Butterfly Effect because I flashed back to that Saturday afternoon when I was in the 5th grade and I went to the medicine cabinet, grabbed a bottle of my fathers' meds and popped down 4 or 5 pills... not for sexuality reasons but because I was so frightened of getting it trouble with my parents for cutting up on the school bus... Imagine that.. 5th grader, ready to end his life over childhood normalcy but God blocked it... (Thank Ya Lawd) and as he brought me to it.. he brought me through it...
My intent in these blogs of my life is to make a difference for someone else. I hope with this one that we realize the enormous amounts of pressure we lay on our next generations. The expectations of being perfect people always doing the right thing, it is just overwhelming.. Instead of accepting the imperfections, as parents and adults we chastise and try to mold our kids into carbon copied replicas of our failed dreams. Folks that know me will attest to my love of children... I am one that will not physically discipline a child, and I can witness to you.. physical reprimand does nothing but rupture the relationship and parental bond... The parent that disciplines will always be second best to the parent that looks for other alternatives to discipline.
There is something to be said for listening, teaching and talking to your child...would you want to be hit..HELL NAW! So yes, spanking.. is hitting.. point blank! But back to my point, 2009 is going to be a year of change.. I have promised myself to work on me.. to love me and to not hide in the shadows of anyone’s expectations. I encourage anyone whose' eye glaze this blog to grab your destiny and work to embrace the blessing the Lord has for you.. Im not going to get preachy, but the word says " Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; and blessed is the man that trusteth in him.."~Psalm 34:8 I don’t know about you but I trust.. and if nothing else has brought me through a many storms.. it is prayer... go to the Lord claiming your blessing, speak it into existence and understand that the blessing may not come when you want.. but it will be right on time! (sermon over.)
I will also leave you with this, because I felt it was one of the more powerful things I heard tonight.. When we go through life passing judgement on others, throwing stones because someone isn’t living up to the expectations we have buried them in... when you choose to ignore a cry for help and turn away when someone obviously just needs a hug and someone to listen to their voide... when we get caught up in all the things that make us cold and shady.. Remember this... a child is watching.. a child is listening and a child is learning from the example you are giving...
So as the story goes this young man, came into his sexuality raised in a devote religious home, he was preached to repeatedly that the essence of who he was, was actually a sin. He battled with trying to conform to the expectations of his family and friends but it just never seemed to feel "right". He confessed that he thought something was wrong with him but the more he spoke the words into existence the more he strayed to the real calling of his heart.. Eventually after moving away and finding the type of love he was comfortable with.. Bobby returned home, he came out about his relationship and it was not welcomed...Soon after, Bobby jumped off a freeway bridge.. and it was then.. that his presence was most missed.. Whew!...
I have said it a thousand times over, people don’t truly appreciate someone until they are dead and gone. One only learns the meaning of real love, when it is taken away.. and the value of a person is not defined by their sexuality... but rather it is measured by their character.. These are simple words that are so difficult for the world to accept...but maybe one day.. unconditional love... agape love will be understood!
The thing that amazed me the most about this

There is something to be said for listening, teaching and talking to your child...would you want to be hit..HELL NAW! So yes, spanking.. is hitting.. point blank! But back to my point, 2009 is going to be a year of change.. I have promised myself to work on me.. to love me and to not hide in the shadows of anyone’s expectations. I encourage anyone whose' eye glaze this blog to grab your destiny and work to embrace the blessing the Lord has for you.. Im not going to get preachy, but the word says " Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; and blessed is the man that trusteth in him.."~Psalm 34:8 I don’t know about you but I trust.. and if nothing else has brought me through a many storms.. it is prayer... go to the Lord claiming your blessing, speak it into existence and understand that the blessing may not come when you want.. but it will be right on time! (sermon over.)
I will also leave you with this, because I felt it was one of the more powerful things I heard tonight.. When we go through life passing judgement on others, throwing stones because someone isn’t living up to the expectations we have buried them in... when you choose to ignore a cry for help and turn away when someone obviously just needs a hug and someone to listen to their voide... when we get caught up in all the things that make us cold and shady.. Remember this... a child is watching.. a child is listening and a child is learning from the example you are giving...