Hi All,
I would take this moment to talk about me, my background what I want and why I've decided to join this blog spot... but right now, I need to throw out some thoughts that have been floating around in my mind... in an upcoming blog, I will share all the tid-bits about me.. what makes me tic and who the heck I really am.. now I just want to flush this out so I can scurry off to bed...
As Im sitting here watching the last bits of Futurama.. its been a long day in a short weekend.. (if such a thing exists)... I've had the opportunity to do a lot of reflecting today... thinking about what I really,what I want to do with my life.. my time.. and why at 34 I havent accomplished the goals I'd set forth for myself. It seems like I've always been in a position of pleasing other people, doing what they wanted or expected and never truly grasping my destiny when it presented itself. Its almost comical how I can sit back in hindsight and see what the Lord had repeatedly set before and for fear of failure... I never took hold of the opportunity. Although, I swear it must be meant to be because he is still sending signals my way and now its time to be the in control of my destiny.
I've experienced sooooo many things, which will eventually be revealed throughout this blog journal and I know I have a voice that needs to be heard. I know in my gut there is something set forth in my path that will have me being a greater success and reaching that point in my life where I can look back and be proud of the things I've done.
It's startling how just a climpse into the success of someone else, makes you hungry to achieve more, (especially when you know your own capabilities). I've been holding myself back for too long, being scaird of what people might say or think... I think subcontiously I'm even afraid of true success because then I will be expected to do well regularly... Its like that old cliche story.. where the 'A' student gets "C's" just to get by and not want to push himself ... ewwww.. is that also lazy.... ???? (jeesh, scary huh!)
Well, no more! I'm throwing caution to the wind and peeling back some layers to show what I can do.. who I can be and what I have in store... I look forward to posting my progress and hearing feedback about my journey to being a better man... stay with me an join the ride to witness a man changing...
here's to a new start, a new me and a new begining... wish me luck!
Simplee Says~