It was yesterday that I realized there is so much perfection in imperfection...
As I felt the stings of steaming hot water repeatedly beat against my face, and as it ran over the curves of my freshly shaven head and warmed the erection of my chest... I moved my hands throughout my body, and I began to understand that my design, as imperfect as it is, was made just for me...

Maybe it was the fragrance of the soaps, the intoxication of the moment.. or just the reality that ‘Baby, today this shower was feeling waaaaaay to good..." A smile slid smoothly across my face as I lower my head and allowed the heat of the water to cascade down the nape of my neck and find its own pathway down this mountain of me...
Dripping from head to toe, front to back, this full bodied, big boned, dark skinned man stepped out of the steaming hot shower and caught a glimpse of an imperfectly perfect creation... it was in that moment... I had another reason to love me...
I was so comfortable with the extra lump over here, The thickness, the fullness , the massive man that in the past seemed to get lost in a constantly defeating struggle to change what God had made... I grabbed that big of chunk that seemed to be glued back there and didn’t want to go away, I rubbed that roll that always shows itself at the wrong time, (especially when you want to wear a fitted shirt), I held on to my he-bobs and shook them for the mirror, "dammit bitch, they are mine, so fuck you if you don’t like them, someone will..." The thighs, oh the thighs... but "baby, they mine" and no anorexic, runway walking, starving themselves to death, non bread eating, Ben and Jerry’s avoiding, flat assed toothpick, can make me hate them ever again... . see all the things that society says "aint cute..." In this moment was looking all to fabulous.
As the towel traveled the curves, dried the corners, an and dived into all the secret spots... I saw beauty in blemishes, character in scars, dignity in dimples and joy in just simply loving me..
Imperfection is perfectly designed...So What!, If what I am, is not what you are... what I do is not what you do... your images of perfection are not my celebration any longer...
Dripping wet, towel dried, lotioned down, fully clothed or just butt ass naked...
I’ll be Imperfect for you ... yet always perfect...for me...
amazingly beautiful you are in every aspect ..i read this over a few times and felt the understanding and emotion and freedom within your words encourage me to strive for imperfection lol much love and respect my kindred spirit
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