So what happens when you find out your husband is gay? What happens when you discover your "oh so holy" pastor is a homosexual... What's the result when both factors are discovered about the same man... ??? Well, as of late, doesnt seem like much is happening, and somehow our society has become so twisted that it now sees this is acceptable and secondary behavior.
Let's address the first issue... married men... WHOA! (I'm sure some folks wont like this but oh well... ) Im my day, I have ran across various types of married men, those who creep around on their wives and family... I've discovered the married man, who says he's caught at a crossroads in his life, and decided to "pretend"; I've seen the married sexual predator, who is not only married to a woman with kids but preys on the "young, dumb, and full of cum" juvenile boys that just dont know any better or the overtly sexual men that crave male attention... I've been witness to married men slurking around on- line, looking at dirty pictures, creating gay internet profiles and being part of a full blown gay lifestyle, behind the safety of the internet... it happens, its there and sadly has it become a comfortable reality for so many... is there no respect left?
See, this tree that I'm about to climb, has so many branches and by no means am I trying
to bulk every man's situation into the same box ( we all know everone has a great "self-less" reason as to why they do what they do, so how dare me to ever assume anything less...) However, what I am attempting to do is draw a conclusion as to WHY? but maybe as the saying goes.. " the world will never know...". I think the largest part of being married are the vows you share before God, need I say it again BEFORE GOD... Vows saying how you will be faithful and committed, devoted to creating a life with one specific person... Personally, if I have any indication in my mind, no matter how small, I would never stand before God and go through a holy ceremony only to make myself into a liar... not to mention dragging someone elses life through a drama filled pile of lies and shit.. but hey, to each his own right!

Now lets throw a
nother ball in the pool... Preachers... men who proclaim to be vessels of the most high, standing behind the pulpit on sunday morning leading the flock...men and women who claim to be so cleansed and holy that the word of God comes directly from their lips, they are so chosen, and sanctified that they have been fitted into a position of leadership to draw in the wayward and the backsliders of the outside world.. hmmmm... until you find out that same person is patrolling men on the internet, engaging in sexual acts and desires that are in direct conflict of the word of God... should they be forgiven...? I mean all men sin right? what about when they do it the 2nd time, the 3rd time .. so on an so forth.. until an established pattern is revealed that this "holy man" is laying his hands on more than church folks in need. This same man, standing before you in his "preacher costume" is the same man deep in the heart of the homosexual community... what do you do ? what do you say? Should he be held accountable?

One more ball in the ball.... What if that married man, cheating on his wife, lying to his family and ignoring his words given before God, was also your pastor???? hmmmm...
Part 2... tommorrow.. stay tuned?
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