Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
When I Came for Santa, this is what I said!
Dear Santa,
It's been a long year, I've seen a lot, I've done a lot (good and bad) and been through a lot. I know this is the time of year where kids send you a long ass list of stuff their parents cant afford... but I thought maybe you could hook a brotha up and grant a few Christmas wishes based on my experiences throughout this year...If you could review my list and apply the necessary magic to make some things happen I would greatly appreciate it... Much Thanks!
The Things I Want to see for Christmas:
1. I would like for married men to stop lurking online and pretending they are single when they know good and hell well they aren’t, becuz they have no desire to leave the comforts of married life but instead just want to run up in some weak-minded internet addict, who actually thinks its ok to sleep with another woman's man... and Santa bridle their tongue's so they don’t use that same excuse of "if she was doing what she was supposed to do at home, he wouldn’t creep around...." because Santa, baby you know that is nothing but LIES, he would still mess around regardless of what she does...point blank!!!
2. I would like for men to realize its not cute to wear skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and those gay ass white belts... that’s just way too cunt... If you wear an XL shirt.. Don’t squeeze into a medium thinking tight is cute... ITS NOT.. I don’t wanna see your nipples poking me in the eyes or your jeans splitting your nutts in half as you walk around Target shopping for toothpaste... oh! and lip gloss is for girls... nuff said!
3. Santa, and this is a big one... what I would like for Christmas is to see women ( yes Im coming for you too) with extra long cleavage to realize that its not always a good thing for full exposure of all that cleavage. Just becuz you have it, does not mean the who world wants to see it. Breasts are common, all women have them ( and some men too) so unleash your puppies for you significant other... not the world.. remember one day, you may have kids that will run across your "ho-antics" later in life...
4. I would like for brothas with overly endowed penis parts to understand that you cannot just shove those things inside someone... Santa, you know for yourself, those things can take your breathe!!! Especially if too much pressure is applied in the first insertion. (I'm just saying...) Large penis parts should be inserted smoothly and slowly at first until all parties are comfortable with the application of such hoses... and for the boys who receive, I need them to understand that if you are tight, sometimes clinching down on the dick does hurt... exhale techniques should be applied when you are getting a penis pushed in your guts... If you cannot accommodate the size and girth of the appendage, then you should not be playing with us big boys... stay in the kiddie pool please...
5. Santa, This is for the rim jocks... I would like them to know, if you plan to have your cakes snacked on... PLEASE for the love of goodness, make sure they are spotless... clear of debris, scents and all other dingleberries that may be lingering... No one wants to take a dive in a cesspool... Oh! and make sure you don’t have any forms of gas...nuff said...
6. Finally, Santa... the last thing I want for Christmas is for the label whores... If your rent isn’t paid, your car note is not covered and or your lights are about to be disconnected... you should not be buying designer Anything... what you need to be designing is a plan to cover your financial bases...
Thank You Santa... Have a merry Christmas...!
P.s.- Oh! and last year, your reindeer pooped on my roof. So, in case it happens again, Im going need you to bring a pooper scooper with you this time...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Festivites Family and Faggotry... Ugh!
For those of us that are "in the life" you may be able to relate, and anyone else reading this blog, I hope you can at least empathize. As each holiday season rolls around, my family always has one centralized location where we all come together and do our thing... all the "stuff" that has transpired between us during the previous months seems to evaporate and we all wear this great mask of jovial elation... we smile, grin and pretend... oh well it works, and if ain't broke, don't fix it, right???
However, as each year passes and the tradition continues, situations are changing. I'm getting older, more settled, a little more stubborn and a bit more restless with the fact that I'm not out to my family... (why does it matter? you may ask.. the answer is I don't know, but it does and that may be a separate counseling session... oh the hell well..)
As I make my entrance into my fathers house, I'm gradually greeted with the same "hello's" " how ya been's" etc. etc. but one thing that I am noticing this year, among the sea of regulars, are the increased amount of new faces bobbing throughout the room... Its not that I have a problem with all the injections of new people, it truly doesn't bother me one way or the other because my placement in the family is firmly stapled.
buuuuuuuuuuut YES, I wanna bring a new face to the family, I wanna introduce my man, or whom ever I may be dating or just sleeping with, whatever the situation is... I wanna introduce a new face to the crowd too, without the side eye looks and separate room conversations filled with "who is that man with ...." Although, I know the deal and in this room full of past and current sinners, I would easily become the plague of society if I walked into the room with a man on my arm. These same folks; the alcoholics, druggies, liars, un-wed mothers and men that have frequently committed adultery, would be the same ones to grab their sanctified robes and cast me to the pits of hell for practicing homosexuality... Ironic huh! seems like No sin is greater than the sin of sexuality...
I've found it almost repulsive that for me, the holidays always give birth to this idea of coming out the closet... ( a term which I also hate becuz it insinuates that I've been locked away somewhere) Holidays and drama seem to go hand and hand and I'm now wondering which one is going to be my destined selection to say " see me, love me..." and announce to my kindred sinners ( and I know I might get in trouble for saying homosexuality is a sin, but if you read the word of God, you know it is...) "I too, am just like you.." A sin is a sin... homosexuality, alcoholism, pre-marital sex, lying, cheating, stealing... all of it is sin... and yours makes u no better than me...
I'm sharing this in hopes that someone else, has experienced this situation and maybe can shed some insight? If not, its cool, I know its my cross to bear and I carry it with honor in the hopes that one day my journey towards achieving something so simple, will stop being so hard...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Typical Monday!
It's Monday morning, and u end up running late again...
U get all tied up in the office drama...
and by 3:45pm all u can do is Pray you dont lose your mind,
by the time U finally get home, U realize Ur left butt naked and worn,
from fighting the Maddness of another Monday!!!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Even Burned Bridges can be Rebuilt

Today, I received a note simply saying "Hello..." what made me do a double take when I received it was the person that delivered the message... an estranged friend that according to him, had put our friendship to an end. We had been friends for many years when I lived in MD, we had been through a whole lot of "stuff" and had our share of moments, both good and bad. The last conversation we had was a discussion of why we really lost touch, the breakdown in our communication, why we were arguing and who's fault it truly was... he said some things, I said some things and we ended the "conver-argument-sation" with something to the effect of "I don’t need to hear from you anymore, I've grown up since then and its obvious you will never see my point... your not worth it.. etc etc." and my reply "that’s cool".. As strong as I was trying to be, it hurt bad on the inside, being party to the loss of what I considered a close person... but me and my tough-shelled attitude.. let it go because I didn’t want to deal with it at the time... "oh well, another one bites the dust... "
However, tonight this simple "Hello" was a door opening opportunity to repair what was broken... and I was hoping this was his intent as well as mine... So I responded..." How are you..." and he "Im doing well, I thought about you the other day..." " really, WOW..." and as the re-acquaintance began... another blessing began to shower on me... right before my eyes, a burned bridge was being rebuilt... and I knew God, in all his awesomeness, was still in charge... I've come to believe that in the midst of the ugliest of battles, sparks of beauty still reside.. it just take the nourishment of forgiveness, respect and maturity to make it flourish into something great... and I stand as a living witness, BURNED BRIDGES can be REBUILT....
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Who Will Cry for the Little Boy?
Who will cry for the little boy, abandoned without his own.
Who will cry for the little boy? He cried himself to sleep.
Who will cry for the little boy? He never had for keeps.
Who will cry for the little boy? As He walked the burning sand.
Who will cry for the little boy? The boy, inside the man.
Who will cry for the little boy? Who knows well hurt and pain.
Who will cry for the little boy? He died... and died again.
Who will cry for the little boy? A good boy he tried to be.
Who will cry for the little boy, who cries inside of me?"
Author~ A. Fisher
Monday, October 29, 2007
What fragrances are the men wearing?

Every cologne, regardless of how good it smells when its sprayed on one of those little scent cards, changes its true scent when applied to the skin. A persons natural body heat and scent effects how the combonation will come off from you. For me, clean, airy, fresh scents blend well with my chemistry and give off an intoxicating aroma that draws the wanted and sometimes unwanted comments like "what are you wearing", " that smells good"..." I love your cologne".

What about you, What are you wearing???
Oprah's School gets a lil Tarnish...

Reported By Josh Grossberg Today at 4:38 am
If anybody knows the healing power of public mea culpas, it's Oprah Winfrey. The daytime queen profusely apologized to the parents of students at her all-girls school in South Africa for a sex-abuse scandal that resulted in the dismissal of one of its dormitory matrons.
"I've disappointed you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," a tearful Winfrey told angry families who showed up for an emergency meeting at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, according to South Africa's, a leading news site.
Allegations surfaced two weeks ago that a "dorm parent" had been accused of fondling a girl and physically and verbally abusing several others, including grabbing them about the neck, beating them and hurling them against a wall.
The talk-show host made her second visit to the school, located in the town of Henley-on-Klip, just south of Johannesburg, in as many weeks. She reportedly took full responsibility at the gathering and begged parents to forgive her for the staff member's behavior.
The accusations came to light after one of the pupils ran away, purportedly because she couldn't stand the alleged abuse any longer.
Winfrey suspended the matron and at least one other staffer. The school's principal, who the girls complained had failed to take action, was placed on paid administrative leave as detectives and Child Protection Services probe the reputed misconduct.
"I trusted her," Winfrey told the families regarding the principal. "When I appointed her, I thought she was passionate about the children of Africa. But I've been disappointed." According to the Website, a father of one of the students tried to allay Winfrey's guilt.
"We don't blame you," he was quoted as saying. "You have more passion for the school and its existence than anyone else in this country, including us parents." Winfrey, described as visibly distressed, promised the parents that those found to have committed wrongdoing would be punished. Winfrey also gave the students, whom she referred to as her "daughters," her personal telephone number and email address in the U.S. so they could get in touch with her at any time.
The school promises a "safe and structured" environment of learning and sports a 28-building campus that includes classrooms, state-of-the-art computer and science labs, a theater, wellness center, yoga center and beauty salon. Winfrey personally interviewed all applicants to the school.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
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