In the spirit of keeping sunday a Holy day, I thought maybe today would be a great time to exercise this blog that has been resting in the back of my mind. Before I get into the meat of the subject let me first throw this disclaimer out there: " this blog in no way displays my personal feelings on this subject, nor is the intent to point finger at any one individual but rather give light and gather insight on the subject as a whole... Lastly, I am not out to attack, pass judgement or drag anyone through the mud... its your life and you do what you do..."
Now, with that said... I've noticed that there are two things quickly growing within the gay community...not that they weren't always there, it just seems now folks are getting bolder... what is that you may say..hmmmm.. Homosexual pastors, ministers, preachers...and to compound that issue, they are also married, in some cases with children...
I have always had a personal battle with religion and sexuality as many of you may already know, but this just blows my mind.. I understand that religious leaders are human too and I totally "get" that they fall short of the word of God... BUT when you assume a position of authority and leadership, especially in the church, shouldn't you be an example, of some sorts... ??? Shouldn't the way you live your life and conduct yourself be in such a way that people should look at you with respect???
I find it so unsettling that these men (especially in the black gay community) assume this position behind the pulpit every sunday spouting what the word of God says, and then later that same day, they are snuggled up with their man on the side while the wife and family is at home... I'm sorry folks but I personally have a problem with that...
So, I'm wondering how you feel about it? What if you found out your religious leader was living a double life? What if you found out he was sneaking around sleeping with men, parading around online deeply enveloping in the Gay life style??? Would it bother you? or would you celebrate the admission of his sexuality after the years of lies and deceit? Are we too accepting when it comes to "straight" men acknowledging their sexuality after making a mess of the lives if his wife and kids? Has it become ok, to marry, lead the church and be homosexual???
Talk to me folks and tell me whats on your mind?? I'm curious to know....